  • Kokedama

  • Homewares
  • August 28, 2023 3 min read

    Caring for indoor plants can be a rewarding and enjoyable hobby, but knowing how to properly water your green companions is crucial for their health and well-being. Australia's diverse climate and varying regional conditions present unique challenges when it comes to plant care. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best practices for watering indoor plants in Australia, helping you nurture thriving greenery that adds beauty and life to your home.

    1. Understand Your Plant's Needs:

    The first step in watering indoor plants effectively is to understand the specific requirements of each type of plant you have. Different species have varying moisture needs, so take the time to research and identify the particular care instructions for each plant in your collection. Factors like sunlight, humidity levels, and pot size will influence your plant's watering needs.

    2. Choose the Right Pots and Soil:

    Selecting the right pots and potting mix is essential for maintaining proper moisture levels. Ensure your pots have drainage holes at the bottom to prevent water from accumulating in the root zone. Use a well-draining potting mix that suits the type of plant you are growing. Succulents, for instance, require a mix with excellent drainage, while tropical plants prefer a slightly moisture-retentive mix.

    3. Water Quality Matters:

    In many parts of Australia, tap water contains high levels of chlorine and minerals that can be harmful to plants. To counter this, consider using filtered water or allowing tap water to sit out overnight before using it. Rainwater is an excellent choice if it's accessible and free from pollutants.

    4. Consistency is Key:

    Consistency in your watering routine is crucial. Most indoor plants prefer a regular watering schedule rather than sporadic drenching. Aim to water when the top inch or two of the soil feels dry to the touch. Insert your finger into the soil, and if it feels moist, delay watering; if it's dry, it's time to water.

    5. Watering Techniques:

    When it's time to water, use a gentle and even approach. Avoid overwatering by adding water gradually until you see it emerging from the drainage holes. Allow the excess water to drain out completely, preventing root rot. Be mindful not to let your plants sit in standing water.

    6. Seasonal Adjustments:

    Australia's climate varies greatly from region to region, and this affects indoor plant care. In the warmer months, your plants may require more frequent watering, while during winter, they may need less. Pay attention to the changing seasons and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

    7. Humidity Matters:

    In drier regions of Australia, or during particularly dry seasons, indoor plant humidity can drop to levels that harm your green friends. Consider using a humidity tray or a room humidifier to maintain an optimal moisture level in the air around your plants.

    8. The "Feel Test":

    As a rule of thumb, the "feel test" is an effective way to determine when to water. Place your finger in the soil up to your first knuckle. If it feels dry, it's time to water; if it's still slightly moist, wait a bit longer.


    Watering indoor plants in Australia is a balancing act, influenced by climate, plant type, and regional conditions. By understanding your plants' individual needs, using the right pots and soil, maintaining consistency, and making seasonal adjustments, you can provide the perfect watering regimen. Remember that every indoor garden is unique, so observe your plants and adjust your watering routine accordingly. With patience and care, you'll nurture a thriving indoor oasis that brings nature's beauty into your Australian home.